
I write fiction and essays, in English, often about characters whose lives are in flux in terms of culture, language, and gender.

Some of my work, in both English and Russian, appeared in the early 2000s in the no-longer-active Irkutsk-based zine The New Review, which I co-edited with colleagues from Britain and Germany and which was conceived of as a cultural bridge between Siberia and the West.

In 2006, my collection of short essays Sottisier was long-listed for the Debut Prize, which is awarded annually to young authors writing in Russian.

Selected Publications

“Signs and Symbols,” September 8, 2023, Slavic Literature Pod (podcast).

“Кому нужна квир-теория?” (“Who Needs Queer Theory?”), April 28, 2023, Parni Plus (in Russian).

“Lost in Transition: Can Inclusivity Cross a Language Barrier?” January 5, 2021, Blog of Los Angeles Review of Books.

“On Silence,” October 21, 2020, Ploughshares Blog.

“In Memory of the Beaches of Siberia,” Spring 2020, Tint Journal.

“Счастье” (“Happiness”), December 2006, Oktiabr’ magazine (Moscow, Russia).